Support the Chelsea Farmers Market

Volunteer at the Market

In order for any market to run smoothly, it is critical to have a team of capable, passionate community members that are committed to upholding the mission of the market! We are always looking for volunteers to help make our market maintain and grow. From customer counts, to surveying, organization and marketing skills we need YOU! If you think that you have a skill to share, please contact Emily at 734-593-6806 or email to find out how to plug in!

Friends of the Market

We strive to create a vibrant community around food, health, and quality of life. Please join us! Consider becoming a friend of the market and help our markets grow. There are many ways to become a friend of the market. Host an activity or discussion, contribute items to our wish list or donate dollars directly to our organization. For more information contact Emily at


Market participation is free for nonprofits. Groups may sign up for a stall space at market for free to distribute literature and talk to customers about your organization

Local businesses

We welcome Chelsea businesses to participate in the market. Become a sponsor by donating $50 to our Friends of the Market Program.

  • You get: A stall space for the day to distribute information and talk to customers about your business, season long recognition on our website, mention in our newsletter for the week you attend

Health related organizations

The market is particularly interested in partnering with organizations that focus on health and wellbeing. Contact us about creating a walking program on market days, running a health education booth, or hosting other health related activities such as blood pressure checks, massage, acupuncture, diabetes education, yoga, meditation, etc...

Wish List:

The market is looking for the following items:

  • Lightly used pop up canopy tents; 10x10 feet. 10 lb weights for our tents (these can look a variety of ways, from 5 gallon jugs to cement filled PVC piping to sand bags.
  • PA System. We host musical appearances each week for two hours of market. We are looking to fill the time when musicians are absent with tunes from a PA that is loud enough to cover the market grounds.
  • Three lightweight 8' tables for our food demonstrations
  • 4 bungee cords at least 2' long

Host an activity

The market is seeking community partners to help with day to day activities at the market on both Wednesdays and Saturdays.

  • Examples include: children's activities, skill building demonstrations, teaching health and garden related activities, and more – the sky's the limit
  • Sign up for one or more days to run your activity
  • You get: A free tent space at market for the day, Mention in our newsletter, Recognition on our website, Opportunity to talk to customers about your organization

Help the markets grow! Become a friend of the market by becoming a sponsor:

Twig                         $100 - $500

Have a cup of coffee and do your shopping with your Chelsea Farmers Market mug and market bag. You’ll also receive a monthly mention on our Facebook page.

Perch                       $500 - $1000

All of the above, plus recognition in our weekly email / social media newsletter blast.

Nest                          $1000 +

All of the above, plus see your name / logo on our market banner and other marketing materials, plus a second t-shirt or mug (your choice…they are very cute!)

How to Donate or Become a Sponsor

To make a donation, please ask for our donation envelopes at the market, or fill out the farmers market sponsor form and send a check to: 

775. S. Main St.
Chelsea, MI 48118

Thank You to Our Partners

trinity health
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